On competition, a collection of works by Michael E. Porter, is a critical examination of the international economy dog-eat-dog. A Harvard Business School Professor, Porter is one of the most respected and most innovative of his time economists. Author of 15 books, he advises elected officials and business leaders in all regions of the world. The competition features 13 of his best articles over the last 15 years, including 2 new. The essence of the message to is that each company, country, and master competition essential to develop in national and international economies person brutal. Competition is the key to excellence. Worried about losing your job or your services become obsolete? Porter believes that a little fear is good for everyone. «"Companies who value stability, obedient clients, suppliers and asleep dependent competitors invite inertia and, ultimately, the failure", he wrote in his 1990 study and test «The competitive advantage of nations."» Porter is a critic of longstanding thinking short term on Wall Street that often stifles competition and hurts the economy. In "' disadvantage of the capital: default investment of America system", he asks a lot of the drop in rates capital gains for people who invest for the long term. " It also urges investors and companies are beginning to think together. He argues that pension funds and institutional investors should get more influence on the companies they own. It is far-fetched to directors of the company with little expertise or financial interest in the company, he wrote.
Porter is often unconventional and affirms that businessmen should be, too. In his essay "greener and competitive", he shows little sympathy for those who complain of environmental regulation. Environmental protection rules must not strangle businesses - they can actually improve productivity with the right attitude and approach. Rhone-Poulenc, a chemicals and french drug company, demonstrated when he stopped a certain by-product incineration and began selling as an additive for dyes and tanning. Readable and provocative, the competition is vital for the business, Government and financial leaders as well as small entrepreneurs and investors.
Twenty years of performance and the competitiveness of the sector have convinced Porter, Professor at Harvard Business School and authoritative on competition and corporate strategy, so a company must not only adopt best available practices, but also to differentiate itself from its competitors. In 13 tests, some have been published elsewhere, Porter set elegantly on a sophisticated analytical framework to assess the difficulties faced by businesses in today's business environment. Although Porter offers no magic for success formula, as starting point to develop a long-term strategy, it recommends close monitoring "conditions factor", 'conditions of the request', another competition and support industries and existing strategies and structures. Porter shows how companies have beaten international competitors by creating comprehensive integrated strategies, operating with a long-term perspective, investing aggressively and prudent management of the factories. He also came to see the growing importance of the geographical location of specific businesses and celebrates the benefits of clustersAsystems of interconnected companies and institutionsAfor increase in productivity and innovation. On the societal level, work wear, which focuses on long-term planning, brings a welcome new perspective to perpetually thorny policy such as the protection of the environment, the downtown development and universal access to health care. Although this book requires a significant investment of time and effort, its dissection of experts of a very complex phenomenon worth it. The line drawings throughout.
A highly respected academic authority on strategy and competition, Porter brings together articles on the competition, which, together, provide a framework of rigorous and useful for bridging the gap between theory and practice. The book consists of three sections. The first has on competitive strategy, evaluation of the strategies and weaknesses for businesses, while the second focuses on the role of the location of competition suffered by government entities. Porter notes that prosperity.